5 Prana Vayus

The yoga tradition describes five movements or functions of prana known as the vayus (literally “winds”)—prana vayu (not to be confused with the undivided master prana), apana vayu, samana vayu, udana vayu, and vyana vayu. These five vayus govern different areas of the body and different physical and subtle activities. When they’re functioning harmoniously, they assure the health and vitality of the body and mind, allowing us to enjoy our unique talents and live life with meaning and purpose.

VayuArea of BodyFunction
PranaChest, headGoverns intake, inspiration, propulsion, forward momentum
ApanaPelvisGoverns elimination, downward and outward movement
SamanaNavelGoverns assimilation, discernment, inner absorption, consolidation
UdanaThroatGoverns growth, speech, expression, ascension, upward movement
VyanaWhole bodyGoverns circulation on all levels, expansiveness, pervasiveness